Studying in chemical engineering diploma involves chemistry, thermodynamics, heat transfer, chemical technology, and much more to provide a broader perspective to students. After completion, of course, one can have good scope by entering into production, research laboratories, refineries, etc. Chemical engineering has a very good scope as it acts as a bridge between physics and chemistry. Diploma level teaches all the basics required for chemical engineering.
Chemical reaction Engineering Lab:- This lab is well equipped with all the equipment and accessories. In this lab, students perform experiments to support their theoretical study of Chemical Reaction Engineering. It includes the experimental studies using different type of reactors for determining kinetics and RTD.
Heat Transfer Lab:- This laboratory helps the students to study and calculate heat transfer by conduction, different types of convection using classical models for these phenomena. Students gain hands on experience with chemical processes, units and corresponding equipment through lab experiments. Students are able to perform calculations on heat exchangers from experimental data and demonstrate the heat exchanger design, fouling and materials of construction. Students exhibit critical and creative thinking skills for analysis and evaluation of problems and cause-effect relationships.
Mass Transfer Lab:- This lab is one of the most important labs in the chemical engineering study. This laboratory impart knowledge on the determination of important data for the design and operation of the process equipment’s like distillation, extraction, humidification, drying principles which are having wide applications in various industries.